\n"; $from = $value ; } }; $content .= "\n\nIP:" . getEnv( "REMOTE_ADDR" ); switch( strtolower($sWhatToDo) ){ case "mailandfile" : mailAttachments( $to , $subject , $content, $from, $charset, $cc , $bcc ) ; if( ! appendToFile( $sFileName, $line ) ) mailReport( $content . "\n\nWrite Form Mail to File Fail." ); break; case "fileonly" : if( ! appendToFile( $sFileName, $line ) ) mailReport( $content . "\n\nWrite Form Mail to File Fail.", $from ); break; default : mailAttachments( $to , $subject , $content, $from, $charset, $cc , $bcc ) ; } mailAutoResponse( $from ) ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function mailAutoResponse( $to ){ global $HTTP_POST_VARS ; $subject = $HTTP_POST_VARS["esh_formmail_return_subject"]; $responseMsg = $HTTP_POST_VARS["esh_formmail_return_msg"]; if( $to && $responseMsg ) mail( $to, $subject, $responseMsg, "From: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["esh_formmail_recipient"] ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function mailReport( $content = "", $from = "" ){ mail( ADMIN_MAIL, "Error@" . HOST_NAME . PHP_SELF, $content, "From:$from" ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function remove_newline( $str = "" ){ $newliner = "" ; // replace \r\n with $newliner ; $newtaber = "" ; // replace \t with $newtaber ; $str = ereg_replace( "\t", $newtaber, $str ); $str = ereg_replace( "\r\n", $newliner, $str ); return ereg_replace( "\n", $newliner, $str ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function checkPass() { global $form_mail ; global $HTTP_POST_VARS ; global $HTTP_POST_FILES ; for( $i = 0; $i < count( $form_mail ); $i ++ ){ $type = strtolower( $form_mail[ $i ][ "type" ] ); $value = trim( $HTTP_POST_VARS[ $form_mail[ $i ][ "name" ] ] ); $required = $form_mail[ $i ][ "required" ] ; $text = stripslashes( $form_mail[ $i ][ "text" ] ); // simple check the field has something keyed in. if( !strlen($value) && ( $required == "Required" ) && $type != "attachment" ) return ERR_MISSING . $text ; // verify the special case if( ( strlen($value) || $type == "attachment" ) && $required == "Required" ): switch( $type ){ case strtolower("Sender's Name") : break; case strtolower("Generic email"): case strtolower("Sender's email"): if( ! formIsEMail($value) ) return ERR_EMAIL . $text ; break; case "text" : break; case "textarea" : break; case "checkbox" : case "radio" : break; case "select" : break; case "attachment" : $upload_file = $HTTP_POST_FILES[ $form_mail[ $i ]["name"] ][ "tmp_name" ] ; if( ! is_uploaded_file($upload_file) ) return ERR_SELECT_UPLOAD . $text; break; case strtolower("Date(MM-DD-YYYY)"): break; case strtolower("Date(MM-YYYY)"): break; case strtolower("CreditCard(MM-YYYY)"): if( $value < date("Y-m") ) return ERR_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRED . $text; break; case strtolower("CreditCard#"): if( !formIsCreditNumber( $value ) ) return ERR_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER . $text ; break; case strtolower("Time(HH:MM:SS)"): break; case strtolower("Time(HH:MM)"): break; default : //return $sErrRequired . $form_mail[ $i ][ "text" ]; } // switch endif; } // for return "" ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function formSelected( $var, $val ) { echo ( $var == $val ) ? "selected" : ""; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function formChecked( $var, $val ) { echo ( $var == $val ) ? "checked" : ""; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function formIsEMail( $email ){ return ereg( "^(.+)@(.+)\\.(.+)$", $email ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function selectList( $name, $selectedValue, $start, $end, $prompt = "-Select-", $style = "" ) { $tab = "\t" ; print "\n\n" ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // something like CreditCard.pm in perl CPAN function formIsCreditNumber( $number ) { $tmp = $number; $number = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $tmp ); if ( preg_match( "/[^\d\s]/", $number ) ) return 0; if ( strlen($number) < 13 && 0+$number ) return 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number) - 1; $i++) { $weight = substr($number, -1 * ($i + 2), 1) * (2 - ($i % 2)); $sum += (($weight < 10) ? $weight : ($weight - 9)); } if ( substr($number, -1) == (10 - $sum % 10) % 10 ) return $number; return $number; } // -------------------------- Begin Mail Attachment Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- function mailAttachments( $to = "" , $subject = "" , $message = "" , $from = "support@lynx.net" , $charset = "iso-8859-1", $cc = "" , $bcc = "" ){ global $HTTP_POST_FILES ; if( ! strlen( trim( $to ) ) ) return "Missing \"To\" Field." ; $boundary = "====_My_PHP_Form_Generator_" . md5( uniqid( srand( time() ) ) ) . "===="; // setup mail header infomation $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; if ($cc) $headers .= "CC: $cc\r\n"; if ($bcc) $headers .= "BCC: $bcc\r\n"; $plainHeaders = $headers ; // for no attachments header $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\"$boundary\"\n"; $txtMsg = "\nThis is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n" . "\n--$boundary\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain;\n\tcharset=\"$charset\"\n\n" . $message . "\n"; //create mulitipart attachments boundary $sError = "" ; $nFound = 0; foreach( $HTTP_POST_FILES as $aFile ){ $sFileName = $aFile[ "tmp_name" ] ; $sFileRealName = $aFile[ "name" ] ; if( is_file( $sFileName ) ): if( $fp = fopen( $sFileName, "rb" ) ) : $sContent = fread( $fp, filesize( $sFileName ) ); $sFName = basename( $sFileRealName ) ; $sMIME = getMIMEType( $sFName ) ; $bPlainText = ( $sMIME == "text/plain" ) ; if( $bPlainText ) : $encoding = "" ; else: $encoding = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; $sContent = chunk_split( base64_encode( $sContent ) ); endif; $sEncodeBody .= "\n--$boundary\n" . "Content-Type: $sMIME;\n" . "\tname=\"$sFName\"\n" . $encoding . "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . "\tfilename=\"$sFName\"\n\n" . $sContent . "\n" ; $nFound ++; else: $sError .= "
File $sFileName can not open.\n" ; endif; // if( $fp = fopen( $sFileName, "rb" ) ) : else: $sError .= "
File $sFileName doesn't exist.\n" ; endif; //if( file_exists( $sFileName ) ): }; // end foreach $sEncodeBody .= "\n\n--$boundary--" ; $sSource = $txtMsg . $sEncodeBody ; $nFound ? mail( $to, $subject, $sSource, $headers ) : mail( $to, $subject, $message, $plainHeaders ); return $sError ; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters: $sFileName Return : 1. "" : no extendsion name, or sFileName is empty 2. string: MIME Type name of array aMimeType's definition. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function getMIMEType( $sFileName = "" ) { $sFileName = strtolower( trim( $sFileName ) ); if( ! strlen( $sFileName ) ) return ""; $aMimeType = array( "txt" => "text/plain" , "pdf" => "application/pdf" , "zip" => "application/x-compressed" , "html" => "text/html" , "htm" => "text/html" , "avi" => "video/avi" , "mpg" => "video/mpeg " , "wav" => "audio/wav" , "jpg" => "image/jpeg " , "gif" => "image/gif" , "tif" => "image/tiff " , "png" => "image/x-png" , "bmp" => "image/bmp" ); $aFile = split( "\.", basename( $sFileName ) ) ; $nDiminson = count( $aFile ) ; $sExt = $aFile[ $nDiminson - 1 ] ; // get last part: like ".tar.zip", return "zip" return ( $nDiminson > 1 ) ? $aMimeType[ $sExt ] : ""; } // -------------------------- End Mail Attachment Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function appendToFile( $sFileName = "", $line = "" ){ if( !$sFileName || !$line ) return 0; $hFile = fopen( "$sFileName", "a+w" ); $nBytes = 0; if( $hFile ){ $nBytes = fputs( $hFile , trim($line)."\r\n" ); fclose( $hFile ); }; return $nBytes ; } ?> Kobutan.nl | Weitere Informationen über die Kobutan-Kurse

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